NFCSN Press Release (April 2017)

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The National Fund for Christian Science Nursing

A new nationwide benevolence fund is available to assist in paying for Christian Science nursing care. If you need financial assistance for Christian Science nursing care, you can apply to the National Fund for Christian Science Nursing (NFCSN) for a grant.  You can read more at

You are eligible for a grant whether in your own residence or in a Christian Science nursing facility.  You can also receive financial assistance towards Christian Science practitioner fees while receiving Christian Science nursing care.  While the NFCSN may not be able to cover all your costs, it can be an aid to you while you work to demonstrate healing as practiced in Christian Science.

The NFCSN has received donations from The Mother Church, individuals, and foundations that have enabled them to launch the fund this year.  This fund is administered by The Principle Foundation—‌a nonprofit that has been offering financial support to students of Christian Science for over fifty years.

The metaphysical theme for the fund’s opening is a quote from Mrs. Eddy: “When we are willing to help and to be helped, divine aid is near” (My 166:19).  What a joy it is to receive help from a Christian Science nurse who is affirming your present wholeness and health.

To apply to NFCSN for a grant, fill out an online application at or call 1‑816‑759‑5450 (1‑800‑873‑2843).